Join the conversation – PoSoCoMeS is always looking for guest contributors!
Historical memory plays a dynamic and pivotal role across the post-socialist world, including the former Soviet republics, East Central Europe, the Balkans, as well as China, Vietnam, Cuba and further regions in the Global South that have been influenced by the socialist project. Moreover, it resonates with members and descendants of international socialist movements. The academic community has shown a growing interest in exploring collective memory within these diverse regions and societies.
Our working group strives to propose a platform of Post-Socialist Memory Studies by connecting scholars form various countries and regions, transcending national and disciplinary boundaries and fostering productive dialogues. We also aim to bridge the gap between international literature in the field and the contributions of those who have previously explored similar topics.
In this context, we encourage researchers, academics, and practitioners from diverse backgrounds to contribute to our blog in various formats:
- Ongoing Research: Present your recently started or ongoing research projects, highlighting key topics, findings, methodologies, and their significance in the context of Post-Socialist Memory Studies.
- Reviews: Share your critical insights and reviews on relevant books, films, artistic performances, conferences, and museum exhibitions, helping to shape the discourse on memory within the post-socialist world.
- Sociopolitical Commentary: Provide thought-provoking commentary on current sociopolitical topics, viewed through the lens of memory studies. Analyze how memory influences and is influenced by contemporary issues.
- Expert Interviews: Conduct interviews with experts in the field, fostering knowledge exchange and enriching the scholarly dialogue.
- Researcher Introductions: Introduce yourself and your research interests to our readership, fostering connections within the global community of memory scholars.
- Research Methods: Share your insights into research methods within the field, contributing to a deeper understanding of the approaches employed in Post-Socialist Memory Studies.
- Academic Life: Delve into the intricacies of academic life, share your valuable experiences and address challenges within the scholarly realm.
This list of topics and formats is not exhaustive. If you have any further ideas and suggestions you think would suit the blog, feel free to reach out to us at
Submissions should be well-researched, engaging, and relevant to the field. For further details, please refer to our submission guidelines.
We believe that through your contributions, we can collectively build a global network of scholarly dialogue pertaining to Post-Socialist Memory Studies. Whether your research pertains to the post-Soviet space, East Central Europe, the Balkans, or any other region shaped by the socialist project, your voice is valuable.
If you are interested in contributing to the blog, please contact us at We eagerly await your submissions and look forward to the enriching discussions and insights!
Submission Guidelines
- Relevance: Submissions should align with our blog’s focus on post-socialist and comparative memory studies.
- Originality: Ensure your content is original, unpublished elsewhere, and not simultaneously submitted to other journals and platforms.
- Structure: In order to harmonise the submissions, please include an introduction, methodology, results, and conclusion where applicable (depending on the format).
- Citations: Provide accurate citations following APA, allowing readers to trace your references.
- Word Count: We recommend a word count of approximately 500 – 1.200 words for articles, though longer pieces may be accepted for more extensive research.
- Clear Language: Please ensure that your language is clear and accessible to a diverse audience, fostering a more inclusive and reader-friendly experience.
- Images and Tables: Include relevant visuals with proper captions, ensuring they enhance the content. Bearing in mind the length of the submissions, a semi-flexible limit is 3 images per article.
- Author Information: Submit a brief bio to accompany your article (300 signs).
- Editing: While we do have proofreaders on our blog team, our resources are limited. Therefore, we would greatly appreciate it if you could review and edit your work for clarity, grammar, and coherence before submission.
- Submission Format: Send your submission as a Word document to